Bioenergy is one of the oldest forms of energy generation available to humans, where organic material is broken down or combusted in order to produce usable energy. In the context of this proposed bioenergy from waste facility there are two complementary forms of extracting energy from waste organic material under consideration: a) biodigester (anaerobic) which consumes wet material, and b) biomass heat plant which consumes dry organic material.
Consistent with the energy flows illustrated in circular economy models, bioenergy draws on both biological (nature provides) and technological (humans develop) pathways.
Shown below is a typical resource flow diagram for an anaerobic digester (source: Environment and Energy Study Institute), and images of a biogas reactor (left) and a biomass heat plant (right). An independent LCA study has confirmed the combined emissions avoided by not sending to landfill amounts to circa 88,000 t CO2e p.a.